
CANVAS Features Online | Reeling 'Em In

Reeling ’em in

Editor’s note: This extract from “The End of Marketing” by Carlos Gil is ©2019 and reproduced with permission from Kogan Page Ltd. The book is

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CANVAS Features Online | What Clients Want

What Clients Want

As the creative director for Polyient Labs, Cody Robertson oversees design and brand strategy for Polyient and its portfolio of clients. Before he joined the

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CANVAS Features Online | Speed of Success

Speed of Success

What is your company’s culture like? Do you know that with every virtual or in-person meeting you are cultivating the environment? Every decision, every action

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CANVAS Features Online | Future Forward

Future Forward

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from Nicholas Webb’s “The Innovation Mandate,” his new book which shows leaders a step-by-step process to continually generate great

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CANVAS Magazine | Beyond The Buzz

Beyond the Buzz

Thought leadership. Is it a corporate buzzword? Yes. But it is also a critical component of your content marketing strategy if you hope to build

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CANVAS Features Online | Down The Road Apiece

Down The Road Apiece

What if I told you there was a simple, yet effective three-word mnemonic to help your sales professionals be more strategic, close deals faster, improve

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CANVAS Magazine | Your Choice

Your Choice

Busy or bad day? Like grandpa used to say, “Your response is your responsibility.” Okay, grandpa may not have said that, but it is true.

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