What is your company’s culture like? Do you know that with every virtual or in-person meeting you are cultivating the environment? Every decision, every action you take plays into the mix. And here is the thing—your organization’s culture ultimately will determine what kind of experience your customers will have.
You most likely already have a great team. But are they ready to handle their job along with all of the other stresses that hit daily? This is where it is critical to have the right skill sets in place. Your team must be able to Trust the Training, Trust the Process and Trust the People.
In order to cultivate cohesiveness, connection and commitment in these fast-paced, ever-changing times, there are critical skill sets that are always present and encouraged. If your organization is ready to take it to the next level, here are the seven skill sets it needs:
No. 1 — Professional knowledge
Having professional knowledge is critical. You could even call it the foundation to any high-performance team. When your people are equipped with the professional knowledge essential to their jobs, it is easier to empower them and trust them to make decisions when things get challenging.
No. 2 — Situational awareness
Situational Awareness (SA) is the ability to understand and comprehend environmental elements, events and possible scenarios as they apply to time, space and the collective comprehension of their possible interpretation. There are multiple SA types to include individual, team and organizational SA. To make the right decisions at the right time, it is critical that SA be present.
No. 3 — Assertiveness
Assertiveness is defined as confident, self-assured behavior. It means being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. When it is time to make business decisions and the fate of your organization is on the line, it is imperative that your team is trained, ready, and willing to speak up and assert their voices.
No. 4 — Decision-making
Decision-making is the process and action of making choices, especially important ones, by identifying a decision, gathering information and assessing alternative possibilities. When you look at decision-making and its application to your environment and how it relates to high-performance teams, you must be ready and able to make important and significant decisions. Sometimes these decisions will have to be made in very short order, without supervision. In order to make these time-sensitive decisions, your people will need to be empowered, knowing that they are prepared and trusted to make decisions that can be critical to the operation and success of the organization.

No. 5 — Communication
Communication is defined at the exchange of information or news. When it is crunch time and critical decisions must be made, being able to communicate is absolutely essential. When it is time to make decisions, given the time-critical scenario, you want, need and expect your people to have this skill set.
No. 6 — Leadership
Leadership is defined as the act of leading a group of people or an organization. Every organization, especially high performing ones, need true and authentic leadership. They need leadership that is effective at all levels of execution. Leadership in your teams and organization has to be further defined as the people that influence others to accomplish the team and organizational objectives in a manner that makes the team more cohesive and more committed to each other, the mission at hand, and the organization.
No. 7 — Adaptability
Adaptability means being able to adjust to new conditions. When your team is moving at the speed of success, it is imperative that members are adaptable. The organization has to empower its people to be ready and prepared to adapt to many different scenarios. Being adaptable can only happen when the people have been empowered.
“When your team is moving at the speed of success, it is imperative that members are adaptable.”
The next time you walk into your office, whether on-site or remotely, you should be clear on the culture you are cultivating. The seven skill sets laid out will support the cultivation of a culture of connection, commitment and community. When you start to implement these principles, your team will begin to soar to new heights. Together, you will be ready to Trust the Training, Trust the Process and Trust the People!